(i.e. less redness, reduced texture, fine lines, reduction in larger wrinkles, purely preventative)
(i.e. is it bright and clear, is it dull and pale, does it feel dry or oily, does it feel tight?)
Please include product names and brands along with the order you apply it. If you wear makeup, please include primer and foundation routine as well.
Please include product names and brands along with the order you apply it.
Get specific! What time do you generally eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? What fats do you cook with? Which foods do you most crave? Which foods do you eat least?
How many ounces of water do you drink daily? What is your average number of alcoholic beverages per week? Do you drink tea/coffee/soda during the day? What times and how often? How about juices or smoothies?
How often do you travel? Rate your current and past levels of daily stress. What are your go to stress relievers?
Are you fast to sleep or do you find it hard to fall asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning?
Quantity per day.
Please list and describe frequency of each.
Please list all that apply and the dates last performed for each.
Please list any and all issues down below.